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Meet Dr Lucia Batty

Meet Dr Batty

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Dr Lucia Batty – associate & director of Wellbeing Medicine

Dr Lucia Batty FRCP FFOM AFMCP is the director of 'Wellbeing Medicine' and also a clinical lead consultant at the Occupational Health and Wellbeing Department at King’s College Hospital, London – one of the largest training departments in her specialty.

At Wellbeing Medicine Dr Batty provides proactive, preventive, personalised medical services. Her specific interests lie in prevention and reversal of chronic autoimmune conditions, gut restoration, and helping people optimise their health, reduce accelerated ageing and make the right nutritional and lifestyle choices. Dr Batty shares Adele’s passion in achieving this through a functional medicine-based approach with lifestyle and nutritional medicine interventions.

Lucia also has an interest in optimising mental health and resilience, and has completed advanced leadership courses, as well as enhanced psychology and mental health training through CBT, NLP, Emotional Intelligence and Stress Management training.

Dr Batty has been awarded the Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians in London (UK) and won the Trainer of the Year Award at King’s College Hospital in 2015, where she continues to oversee a number of dissertation projects to expand the research evidence-base in her specialty. She is also a Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, for an outstanding contribution to the Faculty as a national level, a UK Chief Examiner for workplace-based assessment at the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, and also past NHS Training Programme Director where she continues to support the London Deanery trainee doctors’ annual ARCP reviews and quality assuring post-graduate training.

In 2018 Dr Batty began collaborating with Adele after meeting at the Institute for Functional medicine’s AFMCP-UK™ 2018 – a 5-day intensive postgraduate foundation training programme for medical doctors and nutrition health professionals.

In July 2020 Adele and Dr Batty launched their partnership together with BodyScan360 Ltd, to run Multiscan Pro clinics in London, Sussex and Dorset initially, with plans for a wider training programme for health and fitness professionals to be rolled out across Europe, Asia and the Middle East in late 2020-2021. As lead practitioners they will oversee the clinics in the UK, which will be run by a group of experienced medical and functional medicine, PNI and nutritional practitioners, as well as specially trained technicians.



In her own words

"My objective is to help people transform their lives and live healthier through personalised preventive wellbeing-focused medicine that aims to optimise health, slow down premature ageing and stabilise/reverse chronic conditions and improve quality of life."
